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The Panther Pentathlon is
Thursday, October 6th  

Panther Pentathlon Events Include:
Charades, Walking & Running the Track, Music , Spanish Games, & “Hour” of Code

Healthy snacks will be provided.

Completed Donation Packets can be turned into student’s teacher at any time
Thank you for any pledges you are able to give.

Want to volunteer for the Pentathlon, or join the JCCEF? Visit our website at, or inquire at the school office.

The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started 7 years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts.  The success of the PP has helped save five key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, Technology, and Foreign Language.

To maintain these programs, even on a budget, we need to raise at least $120 for every student at Jacoby Creek School. Our goal this year is $55,000.

The Panther Pentathlon is our most efficient way to raise money, with more than 93% of the total money donated going directly to the school.  Most of the seven percent student prizes also goes back to the students in the form of prizes.

All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to funding these programs, and your children's education at Jacoby Creek.

October 5th is the last day to send in your pledge packets and have them count toward the class competition and individual prizes; however, we are happy to accept pledges after that day to help support these important programs.

After School Enrichment

It is time to enroll for After School Academic Support and After School Enrichment classes.  The registration forms were sent home and are also available on our website at:
The deadline for priority registration is this Wednesday. Classes start on Tuesday, October 3. The class lists will be posted by the Library and in each classroom once students are enrolled.
Space is also still available in Homework Club for second and third grades and in Study Hall for fourth to eighth grades.

School Pictures

Picture day is Monday, September 25. Order forms should have gone home with students yesterday. You may order online, or with the envelope provided, and envelopes can be given to homeroom teachers any time beforehand for safe keeping.

Panther Pentathlon

What is the Panther Pentathlon?
We kicked off the Panther Pentathlon today with a exciting rally in the gym. Today your child received a manila pledge envelope. On the envelope are details about donations, prizes and deadlines.

The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started a few  years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts. The success of the PP continues to keep four key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, and Foreign Language. As always, updating the school’s technology resources continues to be one of the major goals for this coming year.  

The Panther Pentathlon is the most efficient way to raise money, since more than 93% of the total money donated goes directly to the school. Most of the 7% overhead also goes back to the students in the form of prizes! Our school community was very generous last year. We were able to fully fund many of our programs, and we expanded the technology available to primary students. With the additional money raised last year, we also purchased a scoreboard for the gym, recess equipment for this school year, new Chromebooks for 2nd grade, and a new server for the school. We also donated money for supplies to the garden, music, and drama.

The Pentathlon Celebration event takes place Friday, October 6th. Donations turned in by Thursday, October 5th will be counted toward individual and class prize totals. Of course any money turned in after that will help fund these amazing programs.

Thank you for your help!

Walk and Roll to School

Walk and Roll to School Day happens the first Wednesday of each month in our dry months.  It’s a time to move your body to get to school and reduce cars on the road  and parking lot for a day.  You can participate by walking, riding, rolling, scootering, blading, or taking the bus (then walking the track before school). 
3 ways to participate:
  1. Walk or bike from your house or drive to a friend’s house.  Start or join a walking group or bike chain.
  2. Join the walking group or bike chain leaving at 8:00 from Bayside Rd./Old Arcata Rd. (across from Bayside Farm).
  3. Take the bus to school and move yourself on the track before school starts.  Bus leaves at 8:05 from Arcata Community Center.

School Garden Volunteers Needed

Our wonderful school garden is in need of two very specific volunteers.  Both jobs sound interesting and fun!  Please let Sue Moore know if you would be able to help with either of these jobs.  She can be reached at (858) 531-8984 or via email at  

1. We would like a parent to consider taking on the iNaturalist program for the school garden so that our fledgling web presence in that program is fully present, and to take responsibility for identifying the critters in the garden. 

2. We need a parent with ornithological skills to assist with Project FeederWatch, and to consider a survey of the birds living in the willows north and west of the school. Ideally this would be a 6th - 8th grade family so that a student could incorporate the survey into a school science project.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night for 7th and 8th grade will take place at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 14, in the library. This year there will be a focus on how to access information online in order to support your children and monitor their progress. The upper grade teachers will demonstrate how to access and work with the JCS website and its calendars, the upper grade teachers’ classroom websites, the Upper Grade Bulletin, and the new online gradebook.

The upper grades have adopted an online gradebook that you will be able to access throughout the year. Coming soon in the mail you will find a sheet of instructions about how to set up your parent portal account for accessing the gradebook. You may set up your account at any time.

In addition to covering all of this technology, Back to School Night is an opportunity for you to meet classroom teachers and hear about and sign up for volunteer opportunities.

If you are unable to attend this event, we are more than happy to help with whatever is needed, and all classroom handouts will be available here and on the teachers’ websites. You may also contact your child’s homeroom teacher to sign up as a volunteer.

After School Enrichment Academic Support Classes

ASE Academic Support classes start on Monday, September 11.

Information is available on the JCS web site.

Study Hall forms are in the office or here.


DAY           TIMES        ROOMS
Monday       2:15-3:15    ROOM 14 (Nugent)
Tuesday      3:00-4:00    ROOM 9 (Walsh)
Wednesday 3:00-4:00    ROOM 12 (Day)                                                            
Thursday     3:00-4:00    ROOM 11 (Jackson)
No Study Hall on Friday