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Monday, October 5th

Don't forget that Monday, October 5th, is Picture Day, and students are released at 1:15 P.M.

Panther Pentathlon

There are less than 2 weeks left for turning in the Panther Pentathlon donations.  We have received some donations – but we need more in order for the thermometer to begin to rise!  Please help us to reach our goal of $50,000 in order to continue the tradition of excellence at JCS.

Donation packets can be turned into the classrooms any day between now and October 7th.   The Panther Pentathlon celebration event will be at school the morning of October 8th – remember to wear your class colors!  The winners of the classroom ice-cream parties will be announced during the PP!

Many thanks for the families who contribute and support the Panther Pentathlon -our children benefit immensely from the programs the Panther Pentathlon funds.

Early Release on Monday, October 5th

Jacoby Creek School will be having Student Success Conferences on Monday, October 5, which means that students will be released at 1:15. Don't forget to plan accordingly.

Don't forget it's picture day Monday, October 5th, as well!

Owen Greacen Memorial Bike Rodeo

Jacoby Creek School PTO is proud to announce: 

Owen Greacen Memorial Bike Rodeo

On Sunday, September 27, 2015, the JCS PTO is sponsoring a Bike Rodeo in memory of Owen Greacen. This event was a hit last year and was greatly attended and we expect the same again this year. However, we will not be able to pull off this event without your commitment to come and help.  
We look forward to seeing you there!

Panther Pentathlon

Completed donation packets can be turned into the classrooms anytime until October 7th – Online donation deadline is October 2nd.  The Panther Pentathlon event will take place at school on the morning of October 8th.  Examples of this year’s prizes are in the JCCEF board located near the Library and on the Jacoby Creek Children's Education Foundation Facebook page.

Classroom total winners for K-3rd, 4th-6th, and 7th-8th grades will be announced during the Pentathlon this year!  Remember that the classrooms with the winning totals will receive an ice cream party with a variety of toppings, sprinkles, whipped cream and chocolate syrup galore.

There are some new donation goals this year.   If every student could bring in $120 in donations we would meet our goal of $50,000.  We realize that amount is not possible for all families, and that is where our school community support is needed: $180 represents a dollar-a-day for each day the kids are in school (but also helps to cover half of another student's costs). $365 is a dollar a day for the whole year and also helps to fund 2 additional kids. 

The programs that are funded because of the Panther Pentathlon are Music (the Winter concert and Spring Folk Dance festival), Drama (including the school play and the class plays), Foreign Language for the 7th and 8th grades, Athletics, and Technology (including the netbook computers and digital classroom projectors).  Without the PP these programs would stop or be significantly reduced.

Thank you so much for your help!

Project Change Contest

Students in grades 8-12 are now eligible to apply for AFS: Project Change, starting today through December 1st! Please help us spread the word about this exciting opportunity for young change-makers to put their ideas into action.

After a public vote to determine the best projects, one Grand Prize winner and ten additional winners will be selected by a panel to win a full scholarship for a 2-week program abroad, based on the winning project idea. ‪#‎prochangecontest‬

After School Electives Available for Upper Graders

Grades 3-8
Emily Barnes
                                             Dramatic reading of books, scripts, and more

French AM
Grades 6-8
Charlotte Potratz
                                                      Prepare for travel or high school class

Mathcounts Prep
Grades 5-8
Brad Morin
Math problem solving
Grades 3-8 Jose Saucedo
ThFor intermediate and advanced chess players

Readers’ Theater
Grades 4-8
Emily Barnes
Stories, plays and more to be read/performed

Study Hall Monday 2:15-3:15Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday3:00-4:00day3:00-4:00

Session I - 8 weeks –September 28 – December 11
November 9-13, 16-20, 23-27 weeks are no classes due to holidays and conferences
November 16-19 make-up classes
December 14-17 make-up classes

 $50 donation per class (2:15 or 3:00)             
 $35 donation per class (AM classes only) 

Picture Day

School pictures will be taken on Monday, October 5th. We'll see everyone then with their bright smiles!

Panther Pentathlon


The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started 4 years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts.  The success of the PP has saved five key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, Technology, and Foreign Language.

To maintain these programs, even on a budget, we need to raise at least $120 for every student at Jacoby Creek School.  For those families who can afford to donate a little more, consider becoming a School Year Sponsor - $180 a year, $1 for every day of school or a Dollar-A-Day Club - $365 a year, $1 a day for the entire year!


The Fifth Annual Panther Pentathlon will kick off on Monday, and the donation packets will go home in the Tuesday Folders. 

The deadline for donations is October 7th for Cash and Checks and October 2nd for online credit card donations. 

Donations after these dates will not count towards individual or class prizes.

Sample Script for Students:

Hi (Grandma, Favorite Uncle, Family Friend, etc.)!

School just started and I have the best teacher this year!  My school is having a fundraiser called the Panther Pentathlon.  We’re trying to raise money so that I can participate in Drama, Music, Athletics, and Foreign Language.  The donations will also help purchase new computers.  We will celebrate these programs and our hard work on October 8th  with a fun event at school.
My goal is to raise $120.  Would you help me meet my goal?  If so, please complete my pledge form.  Payment is due at this time as the school will not be sending invoices.  Checks are best as they are the most secure, but we also accept cash and have receipts available if you would like one for your records.  I need the donation by October 7th.
You may also make a secure online pledge with your credit card at the Jacoby Creek Children’s Education Foundation  Thank you for supporting my school and these five important programs!

Back to School Night on Sept. 17th

Back-to-School Night for 7th and 8th grades will take place in the gym on Thursday, September 17. 

Presentations for 7th grade parents will be from 6:30 to 7:10, and presentations for 8th grade parents will be from 7:20 to 8:00.

Make sure to take a look at the sign-up sheets for volunteer opportunities. Also, there will be a fundraiser for the JCS athletic program where parents can purchase emergency food and water packs to be kept in the classrooms for their children. Packs are $10 and include three bottles of water and snacks.

We hope to see you soon!

Class Colors

This year each grade level at Jacoby Creek School will have a designated class color to wear on spirit days, for assemblies, and for other big events throughout the year. Last year we started the tradition of awarding a Spirit Trophy to the class that showed the most school spirit through their energy and outfits at school assemblies. (Mr. Barsanti's class currently holds the Spirit Trophy.)

The seventh grade color is purple, and the eighth graders are multi-colored. Families will want to look for solid colored t-shirts and other clothing with their child's class color(s) so that they will be able to participate in these fun school spirit opportunities.

Multi-colored clothing may be tie-dyed, have rainbows, or a student may just wear one color shirt, another color pants, another color hoodie, etc. Think of a mix of bold solid colors. Black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, turquoise, and purple are the colors for the rest of the classes, so a mixture of those colors would be great!

Go Panthers!