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Class Colors

This year each grade level at Jacoby Creek School will have a designated class color to wear on spirit days, for assemblies, and for other big events throughout the year. Last year we started the tradition of awarding a Spirit Trophy to the class that showed the most school spirit through their energy and outfits at school assemblies. (Mr. Barsanti's class currently holds the Spirit Trophy.)

The seventh grade color is purple, and the eighth graders are multi-colored. Families will want to look for solid colored t-shirts and other clothing with their child's class color(s) so that they will be able to participate in these fun school spirit opportunities.

Multi-colored clothing may be tie-dyed, have rainbows, or a student may just wear one color shirt, another color pants, another color hoodie, etc. Think of a mix of bold solid colors. Black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, turquoise, and purple are the colors for the rest of the classes, so a mixture of those colors would be great!

Go Panthers!