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Community Forum Regarding Superintendent/Principal Search

In order to begin the process of filling the Superintendent/Principal vacancy the District will hold a community forum on Tuesday, 12/15, at 7:00 pm in the library. The purpose of these forums will be to provide the Board of Trustees with input on the desired skills, characteristics and qualities of a Superintendent/Principal.

The Board expressed the desire that the following parameters be used at the forums:

1. The Interim Superintendent will attend each forum and provide information on the skills, qualities, characteristics and job responsibilities of a Superintendent/Principal.

2. Two Board members will facilitate each forum.

3. All staff members should give their input at the staff meeting.

4. A picture of the ideal candidate should be painted at the forums that includes the following skills, qualities and characteristics.

a. Leadership Style
b. Community Relations Skills
c. Knowledge of the Position

5. Input should be given in the following manner as a choice of those attending:

a. A short written statement to be presented and submitted at the meeting.
b. Orally at the meeting.

The Board will meet in Closed Session after its regular meeting in January to consider all of the input received regarding the Superintendent/Principal search