Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a world leader in the identification and development of academic talent among K-12 students in the US and worldwide. An affiliation with CTY adds a whole new dimension to academically talented students' education, from testing and discovery, through course work and other resources designed to help top students achieve their dreams.
CTY’s Talent Search for grades 2 – 8 is the bridge to CTY, including CTY’s highly regarded summer programs, online courses, and other services and resources designed for advanced young learners. * 7th and 8th grade students take the SAT as a qualifier for CTY.
CTY knows bright students thrive on praise and recognition, yet far less public recognition is given for academic talent than for sports, music, or other abilities. All students who accept the challenge of taking the Talent Search test receive a Certificate of Participation. Top Talent Search students attend award ceremonies in 14 states and the very top students can attend a national medal ceremony at Johns Hopkins University.
Challenging and inspiring courses in CTY's Summer Programs and CTYOnline are open to students who qualify based on test results. Our Family Academic Programs, open to all Talent Search students, offer seminars and learning adventures around the country.
CTYOnline offers a number of different math, middle school science, Intro to Forensics,foreign language (Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish), computer science and technology,Mastering the Fundamentals of Music, writing, critical reading (Art Meets Science, Young Adult Readers), grammar (From Structure to Style) and visual fluency (Visual Literacy) courses to 8th grade students with qualifying scores.