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PTO Harvest Carnival

The annual PTO Harvest Carnival is Friday, October 16 from 5:00-7:30 p.m.  This is a very fun event for the students and a great fundraiser for our school.  This annual event requires a lot of volunteers in order for it to run successfully.  Please plan to volunteer a half an hour of time if it is possible.  THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR THIS EVENT:  There will be sign up sheet to volunteer posted in the front of the school and there will be a digital sign-up sent out as an e-blast.  If you choose to sign up at school, your information will be entered into the digital sign-up by the PTO.  

And if you don't want to cook dinner that night, no problem! There will be a delicious spaghetti dinner in the gym as an 8th grade fundraiser. Presale tickets will be available soon.