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Planned Parenthood Presentations

Permission slips will be arriving in the mail soon. Here's a preview of that document with important dates and information.

Boys Basketball

Practices will begin on Monday, December 14, 2015.  In order to participate, athletes MUST be academically eligible and have ALL of their paperwork turned in—(Pre-participation Physical Evaluation, Athletic Contract, and Acknowledgement and Assumption of Potential Risk). 

7th and 8th grade boys, please meet Coach Jason during lunch on Monday, Dec. 7 by the Music room. 

Due to the large number of students signed up for 7th grade basketball there will be tryouts on 12/15, 12/16 and 12/17. All players will need to have all their physical and other athletic paperwork filled out correctly and turned in to be able to tryout. Barring any unforeseen issues, each player will need to be at all three tryouts dates in order to make the team. On 12/17 a decision will be made on who will make the team. I will contact each player/parent on the night of 12/17 via phone to inform them if they have made the team.

Tryout Schedule for 7th Grade Boys Basketball
Monday 12/14: Practice w/ 8th graders 3:15 to 5:00.
Tuesday 12/15: Tryouts 3:15 to 4:30.
Wednesday 12/16: Tryouts 3:15 to 4:30
Thursday 12/17: Tryouts 3:15 to 4:30
All players will be notified on the night 12/17 of their status on the team.

8th grade practice for the week of 12/14 will be:
Monday 12/14: Practice w/7th graders 3:15 to 5:00
Tuesday 12/15: Practice 4:30 to 5:45
Wednesday 12/16: Practice 4:30 to 5:45
Thursday 12/17: Practice 4:30 to 5:45
Friday 12/18: Practice w/ 7th graders 3:15 to 5:00

Auction Basket Items Needed

The annual JCCEF Auction is approaching on Thursday, March 3. The 7th & 8th grade students are responsible for supplying items that will be used in gift baskets to be auctioned off with the theme of  Coffee, Tea or Chocolate.” Ideas include coffee mugs, teacups, other utensils, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate bars, gift cards, etc. We are giving you the theme early so that you have plenty of time to contribute items. Please bring donations to your student’s homeroom teacher.      

Thank you for your help!

Community Forum Regarding Superintendent/Principal Search

In order to begin the process of filling the Superintendent/Principal vacancy the District will hold a community forum on Tuesday, 12/15, at 7:00 pm in the library. The purpose of these forums will be to provide the Board of Trustees with input on the desired skills, characteristics and qualities of a Superintendent/Principal.

The Board expressed the desire that the following parameters be used at the forums:

1. The Interim Superintendent will attend each forum and provide information on the skills, qualities, characteristics and job responsibilities of a Superintendent/Principal.

2. Two Board members will facilitate each forum.

3. All staff members should give their input at the staff meeting.

4. A picture of the ideal candidate should be painted at the forums that includes the following skills, qualities and characteristics.

a. Leadership Style
b. Community Relations Skills
c. Knowledge of the Position

5. Input should be given in the following manner as a choice of those attending:

a. A short written statement to be presented and submitted at the meeting.
b. Orally at the meeting.

The Board will meet in Closed Session after its regular meeting in January to consider all of the input received regarding the Superintendent/Principal search

Volunteers still needed for the Holiday Boutique

The PTO Holiday Boutique is coming up on Saturday, December 12.  This is a wonderful community event.  The PTO is in need of parent volunteers to help run the Children's Shop and help to sell cookie trays.  Please follow the link below to volunteer, or sign up at the front of the school. Parent volunteers are essential to make this wonderful event a success.  Also, there is a form in this week's folder asking families to send it homemade cookies for the cookie platters.  All proceeds from the Boutique help to organize PTO events and get donated back to classroom Thank you for your support!!

A note from Mrs. Nannizzi regarding parking lot protocols

Thank you so much to all of you who took the first parent survey!  Your input is appreciated.  One thing that came from the survey is that families are confused about the parking lot protocols.  The curb lane closest to the school is for drop off and pick up only.  Please park there to wait for your child, or give a kiss goodbye, but do not leave your car unattended in the curb lane. If you plan to leave your car, please use a parking spot in the lot or park on the road.  The other lane should keep moving at all times.  Please do not drop off or pick up your student from this lane as it is unsafe for the students to cross traffic and it bogs down the flow of cars moving.  Also, it is important that the crosswalk through the lot be left clear.  I hope that this clarifies confusion. Please feel free to call me or come in to talk to me if you have questions. 

Registration for Study Hall

It is time to register for Session Two of Homework Club and Study Hall and registration forms are available in the office, or you can print it here. These academic support classes are designed to be a quiet and supportive environment for students to get their homework completed.  Tutors are available to help students with questions.  Study Hall is offered for fourth through eighth grade students Monday-Thursday for one hour right after school. 

Please get your registration form in ASAP as these classes fill up quickly and are offered on a first come, first served basis.  If it is at all possible for your family, please consider making the suggested donation for the class. Checks should be payable to JCS and will not be processed until after January 1.

School Play Auditions

Don't forget! Auditions for this year's school play, Annie, will take place at lunch on Tuesday, 12/1, and Wednesday, 12/2, in the counseling room with Mrs. Bourne.

Upper Grade Big Event Friday, 11/20/16

On Friday we will be celebrating the successful completion of the first trimester in the 7th and 8th grades with a field trip to Harbor Lanes for a morning of bowling! Proceeds from the upper grade dance will cover most of the cost for each student to bowl two games, but students may bring money to play video games, use the jukebox, play pool, use the photo booth, or purchase a drink or snack. Don't forget to wear socks!

Great job on your first trimester!

PTO's JCS Sweatshirt Sale

Here is the order form for JCS sweatshirts. A flyer went home with students previously. Friday, 11/20/15 is the deadline for orders. Don't miss out on showing your school spirit. Order yours today!

Holiday Boutique

The PTO is hosting the annual JCS Holiday Boutique in our gym on Saturday, December 12th. Adults that are interested in vending at the boutique can get an application from the school office, or can be request one by emailing  The sixth grade classes will also be selling food at the event to raise money for their environmental education.
Like all PTO events, the Holiday Boutique needs parent and student volunteers to make it a success.  Your help in setting up, contributing homemade cookies, volunteering in the Children’s Shop, or cleaning up would be greatly appreciated.  Please sign-up on the sheet posted in the front of the school or on the Sign-Up Genius sent home this weekend if you are interested in helping with this event.  Thank you! PTO=Family Fun at JCS.

Picture Retakes

Don't forget: Monday, November 16th is school picture retake day!

Arcata Recreation Youth Basketball League

This recreation-oriented program provides a fun, positive, and semi-competitive atmosphere for boys and girls who are currently in the 1st through the 12th grades. Leagues are based on grade and gender. Teams will practice one night a week and games will be played on Saturdays. Registration fees include a T-Shirt. 
Practice Schedule: One night per week, beginning the week of January 4th
Game Schedule: Each Saturday, starting Jan. 9th and continuing through March 5th, no games Feb. 20th
Registration Deadline Thurs., Nov. 19, 2015

Holiday Food Drive

It’s time again for the Arcata Presbyterian Church’s Annual Christmas Basket Giveaway.  Students are encouraged to participate in a Canned Food Drive that will fill the baskets.  Canned goods include any commercially canned vegetable or fruit product, i.e., green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, etc.  Dried foods such as Top Ramen can also be included.

Students should bring canned food items to their teachers by Friday, December 11th when they will be picked up.

Thank you for your help with this holiday endeavor.

Dance Permission Slip

Here is the permission slip with all rules and details for the dance on Friday, 10/30. 

First Upper Grade Dance!

The first upper grade dance for 7th and 8th graders will take place in the gym from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday, October 30. Tickets are $5.00. Permission slips are required, and they will be sent home sometime next week with more information. 

Thank you in advance to parents who signed up at Back-to-School Night to volunteer as chaperones. A student representative will be calling parent volunteers soon to schedule shifts.

Crafting Up Business

Are you a 4-8th grade student who is interested in running your own business at JCS's annual Holiday Boutique on Saturday, December 12, 2015? If so, please join Dr. Nancy Vizenor and her students from the HSU School of Business for a series of classes on how to plan, manage, and run your very own business.

Classes will take place on Mondays, Oct. 26; Nov. 2, 9 & 30; and Dec. 7 & 14 in room 10 from 2:15-3:15pm.

In order to attend, you will need parent permission. Please complete the form that was available from your homeroom teacher or the office and return it to your homeroom teacher by Monday, October 19, 2015.

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Talent Search

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a world leader in the identification and development of academic talent among K-12 students in the US and worldwide. An affiliation with CTY adds a whole new dimension to  academically talented students' education, from testing and discovery, through course work and other resources designed to help top students achieve their dreams.

CTY’s Talent Search for grades 2 – 8 is the bridge to CTY, including CTY’s highly regarded summer programs, online courses, and other services and resources designed for advanced young learners.  * 7th and 8th grade students take the SAT as a qualifier for CTY.
CTY knows bright students thrive on praise and recognition, yet far less public recognition is given for academic talent than for sports, music, or other abilities. All students who accept the challenge of taking the Talent Search test receive a Certificate of Participation. Top Talent Search students attend award ceremonies in 14 states and the very top students can attend a national medal ceremony at Johns Hopkins University.

Challenging and inspiring courses in CTY's Summer Programs and CTYOnline are open to students who qualify based on test results. Our Family Academic Programs, open to all Talent Search students, offer seminars and learning adventures around the country.

CTYOnline offers a number of different mathmiddle school scienceIntro to Forensics,foreign language (Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish), computer science and technology,Mastering the Fundamentals of Musicwriting, critical reading (Art Meets ScienceYoung Adult Readers), grammar (From Structure to Style) and visual fluency (Visual Literacy) courses to 8th grade students with qualifying scores.

8th Grade Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser at Harvest Carnival

Come have fun at the Harvest Carnival and let us do the cooking! The 8th grade class will be having a Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser in the gym from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Dinner includes spaghetti with Abruzzi red sauce, with or without meat, garlic bread, spring greens salad, and a beverage. Cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. Tickets will be on sale in the courtyard next week, as well as at the carnival. Pre-sale orders will receive a free dessert, and those who purchase at the carnival will be able to purchase a dessert for an additional cost.

PTO Harvest Carnival

The annual PTO Harvest Carnival is Friday, October 16 from 5:00-7:30 p.m.  This is a very fun event for the students and a great fundraiser for our school.  This annual event requires a lot of volunteers in order for it to run successfully.  Please plan to volunteer a half an hour of time if it is possible.  THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR THIS EVENT:  There will be sign up sheet to volunteer posted in the front of the school and there will be a digital sign-up sent out as an e-blast.  If you choose to sign up at school, your information will be entered into the digital sign-up by the PTO.  

And if you don't want to cook dinner that night, no problem! There will be a delicious spaghetti dinner in the gym as an 8th grade fundraiser. Presale tickets will be available soon.

International Walk and Roll to School Day--Wednesday

This Wednesday is INTERNATIONAL WALK AND ROLL TO SCHOOL DAY! Join in the fun and walk, bike, or scoot to school this Wednesday to raise awareness about keeping our bodies active and keeping our planet healthy.  Mrs. Nannizzi will lead a walking train at 8:00across from the Bayside Garden on Old Arcata Road. How many JCS kids will participate?? We will keep a tally and let you know!

Panther Pentathlon Event--Final Week!

The Panther Pentathlon is this THURSDAY.  This is a fun day for students and hopefully a day to celebrate meeting our fundraising goal of $50,000 to fund  our music, foreign language, drama, athletics, and technology programs.  Wednesday is the last day to send in your pledge packets to have them count toward the class competition. However, we are still happy to accept pledges at any time after this date to help fund these important programs.  Currently we have raised $10,271 of our goal.  Thank you so much for your supporting  Jacoby Creek School to help save the programs THIS school year.  Don't forget that everyone is wearing their CLASS COLORS THIS THURSDAY!!  We are all looking forward to a fun day filled with SCHOOL SPIRIT AND PANTHER PRIDE!!

October in the Library

~ Genre of the Month - Realistic Fiction.  You can find this display in the Upper Grade Fiction section.
Author Festival - Oct 15th, Erik Brooks, our visiting author, will also have his work displayed at Morris Graves for Arts Alive.
Goosebumps movie will be out on Oct.16th, look for the Goosebumps display
Art by Jacoby Creek School - All student/staff artists are welcome to sign up to display their artwork. Be sure to enjoy the beautiful artwork currently on display above the computers.

Monday, October 5th

Don't forget that Monday, October 5th, is Picture Day, and students are released at 1:15 P.M.

Panther Pentathlon

There are less than 2 weeks left for turning in the Panther Pentathlon donations.  We have received some donations – but we need more in order for the thermometer to begin to rise!  Please help us to reach our goal of $50,000 in order to continue the tradition of excellence at JCS.

Donation packets can be turned into the classrooms any day between now and October 7th.   The Panther Pentathlon celebration event will be at school the morning of October 8th – remember to wear your class colors!  The winners of the classroom ice-cream parties will be announced during the PP!

Many thanks for the families who contribute and support the Panther Pentathlon -our children benefit immensely from the programs the Panther Pentathlon funds.

Early Release on Monday, October 5th

Jacoby Creek School will be having Student Success Conferences on Monday, October 5, which means that students will be released at 1:15. Don't forget to plan accordingly.

Don't forget it's picture day Monday, October 5th, as well!

Owen Greacen Memorial Bike Rodeo

Jacoby Creek School PTO is proud to announce: 

Owen Greacen Memorial Bike Rodeo

On Sunday, September 27, 2015, the JCS PTO is sponsoring a Bike Rodeo in memory of Owen Greacen. This event was a hit last year and was greatly attended and we expect the same again this year. However, we will not be able to pull off this event without your commitment to come and help.  
We look forward to seeing you there!

Panther Pentathlon

Completed donation packets can be turned into the classrooms anytime until October 7th – Online donation deadline is October 2nd.  The Panther Pentathlon event will take place at school on the morning of October 8th.  Examples of this year’s prizes are in the JCCEF board located near the Library and on the Jacoby Creek Children's Education Foundation Facebook page.

Classroom total winners for K-3rd, 4th-6th, and 7th-8th grades will be announced during the Pentathlon this year!  Remember that the classrooms with the winning totals will receive an ice cream party with a variety of toppings, sprinkles, whipped cream and chocolate syrup galore.

There are some new donation goals this year.   If every student could bring in $120 in donations we would meet our goal of $50,000.  We realize that amount is not possible for all families, and that is where our school community support is needed: $180 represents a dollar-a-day for each day the kids are in school (but also helps to cover half of another student's costs). $365 is a dollar a day for the whole year and also helps to fund 2 additional kids. 

The programs that are funded because of the Panther Pentathlon are Music (the Winter concert and Spring Folk Dance festival), Drama (including the school play and the class plays), Foreign Language for the 7th and 8th grades, Athletics, and Technology (including the netbook computers and digital classroom projectors).  Without the PP these programs would stop or be significantly reduced.

Thank you so much for your help!

Project Change Contest

Students in grades 8-12 are now eligible to apply for AFS: Project Change, starting today through December 1st! Please help us spread the word about this exciting opportunity for young change-makers to put their ideas into action.

After a public vote to determine the best projects, one Grand Prize winner and ten additional winners will be selected by a panel to win a full scholarship for a 2-week program abroad, based on the winning project idea. ‪#‎prochangecontest‬

After School Electives Available for Upper Graders

Grades 3-8
Emily Barnes
                                             Dramatic reading of books, scripts, and more

French AM
Grades 6-8
Charlotte Potratz
                                                      Prepare for travel or high school class

Mathcounts Prep
Grades 5-8
Brad Morin
Math problem solving
Grades 3-8 Jose Saucedo
ThFor intermediate and advanced chess players

Readers’ Theater
Grades 4-8
Emily Barnes
Stories, plays and more to be read/performed

Study Hall Monday 2:15-3:15Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday3:00-4:00day3:00-4:00

Session I - 8 weeks –September 28 – December 11
November 9-13, 16-20, 23-27 weeks are no classes due to holidays and conferences
November 16-19 make-up classes
December 14-17 make-up classes

 $50 donation per class (2:15 or 3:00)             
 $35 donation per class (AM classes only)