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Oral Language Faire

Mark Your Calendars!

The 16th Annual Jacoby Creek School
Oral Language Faire
March 8, 2017
School Performance and Judging will be at 1:00pm
Evening Performance will be at 6:00pm

STUDENTS: If you want to participate start looking for a poem and decide if you are interested in an individual or a group performance. Due to the OLF’s popularity students may only participate one time.
Sign Ups are happening now in the Library! After you sign up, take home the rules and permission slip. Parents will need to completely fill out and sign the permission slip in order for their child to try out. No exceptions!
Students will return their permissions slips and TWO copies of their poem back into the OLF basket that is located inside the library. Students that have returned their permission slip and copies of their poem will be notified by the OLF committee what day their tryouts will be. The schedule will also be posted outside the library in the case.
TRYOUTS: Will take place the week of January 30 – Feb 3 during lunch/recess in the library. Students will NOT need to have their poem memorized but will be expected to be able to read it clearly from their copy. So, practice, practice, practice!

Any questions, please contact Jenney Bickel at or Marci Barker, JCS Librarian