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Panther Pentathlon


The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started 4 years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts.  The success of the PP has saved five key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, Technology, and Foreign Language.

To maintain these programs, even on a budget, we need to raise at least $120 for every student at Jacoby Creek School.  For those families who can afford to donate a little more, consider becoming a School Year Sponsor - $180 a year, $1 for every day of school or a Dollar-A-Day Club - $365 a year, $1 a day for the entire year!


The Fifth Annual Panther Pentathlon will kick off on Monday, and the donation packets will go home in the Tuesday Folders. 

The deadline for donations is October 7th for Cash and Checks and October 2nd for online credit card donations. 

Donations after these dates will not count towards individual or class prizes.

Sample Script for Students:

Hi (Grandma, Favorite Uncle, Family Friend, etc.)!

School just started and I have the best teacher this year!  My school is having a fundraiser called the Panther Pentathlon.  We’re trying to raise money so that I can participate in Drama, Music, Athletics, and Foreign Language.  The donations will also help purchase new computers.  We will celebrate these programs and our hard work on October 8th  with a fun event at school.
My goal is to raise $120.  Would you help me meet my goal?  If so, please complete my pledge form.  Payment is due at this time as the school will not be sending invoices.  Checks are best as they are the most secure, but we also accept cash and have receipts available if you would like one for your records.  I need the donation by October 7th.
You may also make a secure online pledge with your credit card at the Jacoby Creek Children’s Education Foundation  Thank you for supporting my school and these five important programs!