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Panther Pentathlon

Completed donation packets can be turned into the classrooms anytime until October 7th – Online donation deadline is October 2nd.  The Panther Pentathlon event will take place at school on the morning of October 8th.  Examples of this year’s prizes are in the JCCEF board located near the Library and on the Jacoby Creek Children's Education Foundation Facebook page.

Classroom total winners for K-3rd, 4th-6th, and 7th-8th grades will be announced during the Pentathlon this year!  Remember that the classrooms with the winning totals will receive an ice cream party with a variety of toppings, sprinkles, whipped cream and chocolate syrup galore.

There are some new donation goals this year.   If every student could bring in $120 in donations we would meet our goal of $50,000.  We realize that amount is not possible for all families, and that is where our school community support is needed: $180 represents a dollar-a-day for each day the kids are in school (but also helps to cover half of another student's costs). $365 is a dollar a day for the whole year and also helps to fund 2 additional kids. 

The programs that are funded because of the Panther Pentathlon are Music (the Winter concert and Spring Folk Dance festival), Drama (including the school play and the class plays), Foreign Language for the 7th and 8th grades, Athletics, and Technology (including the netbook computers and digital classroom projectors).  Without the PP these programs would stop or be significantly reduced.

Thank you so much for your help!