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Panther Pentathlon

What is the Panther Pentathlon?
We kicked off the Panther Pentathlon today with a exciting rally in the gym. Today your child received a manila pledge envelope. On the envelope are details about donations, prizes and deadlines.

The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started a few  years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts. The success of the PP continues to keep four key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, and Foreign Language. As always, updating the school’s technology resources continues to be one of the major goals for this coming year.  

The Panther Pentathlon is the most efficient way to raise money, since more than 93% of the total money donated goes directly to the school. Most of the 7% overhead also goes back to the students in the form of prizes! Our school community was very generous last year. We were able to fully fund many of our programs, and we expanded the technology available to primary students. With the additional money raised last year, we also purchased a scoreboard for the gym, recess equipment for this school year, new Chromebooks for 2nd grade, and a new server for the school. We also donated money for supplies to the garden, music, and drama.

The Pentathlon Celebration event takes place Friday, October 6th. Donations turned in by Thursday, October 5th will be counted toward individual and class prize totals. Of course any money turned in after that will help fund these amazing programs.

Thank you for your help!