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The Panther Pentathlon is
Thursday, October 6th  

Panther Pentathlon Events Include:
Charades, Walking & Running the Track, Music , Spanish Games, & “Hour” of Code

Healthy snacks will be provided.

Completed Donation Packets can be turned into student’s teacher at any time
Thank you for any pledges you are able to give.

Want to volunteer for the Pentathlon, or join the JCCEF? Visit our website at, or inquire at the school office.

The Panther Pentathlon is our home-grown fundraiser that was started 7 years ago in response to dramatic funding cuts.  The success of the PP has helped save five key programs from being cut—Athletics, Drama, Music, Technology, and Foreign Language.

To maintain these programs, even on a budget, we need to raise at least $120 for every student at Jacoby Creek School. Our goal this year is $55,000.

The Panther Pentathlon is our most efficient way to raise money, with more than 93% of the total money donated going directly to the school.  Most of the seven percent student prizes also goes back to the students in the form of prizes.

All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to funding these programs, and your children's education at Jacoby Creek.

October 5th is the last day to send in your pledge packets and have them count toward the class competition and individual prizes; however, we are happy to accept pledges after that day to help support these important programs.